My sister had hers removed and she says food goes right through her. However, her diet is of the high-carb nature. Your post caught my eye because, IIRC, you're doing the low-carb plans, which in most cases works for me, except for the stomach problems and now the gall bladder.
An ultra sound was done while I was in emergency and they detected the stones in my gall bladder. The ER doctor advised me to have the gall bladder removed as there is a 100% chance it'll give me grief over and over again. (So much for odds!) The next day I saw the doctor who will be performing the operation. He says he'll attempt to take the gall bladder out using the laproscopic method if all is clear of scar tissue. I could be back to work in 4 days. However, if there is scar tissue around the various veins, tubes, whatnot, he'll have to make an incision which will mean 4 weeks of recuperation. He didn't say anything about laser disintegration. (Actually, I'm hoping to get the stones afterward! And pictures! I want pictures! This stuff fascinates me! LOL)
In the meantime, I'm supposed to be eating a bland diet which has helped relieve my stomach problems. Problem is, the rest of my body doesn't like these kind of foods and some old ailments are flaring up again. Oh yeah, the operation all hinges on the results of an echo-cardiogram they did the other day and a pre-op physical coming up. If they think the operation is too risky, I'm now guessing they would attempt the laser disintegration. I'm not worried, though. I'm sure the removal will be done as planned.
Again, thanks for your encouraging support! :o)
I pray all goes smoothly and you're back to good in no time.