You're welcome.
( and Salamander is a ma'am ).....:))
I just get so sick and tired of the very people that love liberty tearing apart the very idea because it's not happening fast enough. Sure, I like fast as well as the next guy, but I am a conservative, and a scientist. It takes time, and patience. In the mean time we must realize that we have the helm of the republic and we can guide our freedoms. The left has made a huge attack on the Constitution and, in many ways, they have won. Now it is our DUTY to take back those lost liberties and those lost rights.
If those of us that are the hallmark of conservatism falter and break into useless fragments then we show the great majority of this country that we had no conviction to begin with. That's not going to work. We need to stand together, and deliver. We have plenty of time to straighted things out, and we will.
Excuse me, I stand corrected (and embarrassed). Computers make it hard to be polite.