Actually, it's even more clear than you let on by simply quoting the suspension power. You will note that the suspension power falls exclusively under the domain of Congress (and don't give me any bullsh*t quotes by leftist hags like Sandra Day O'Conner arguing otherwise - no less sources than Jefferson, Marshall, and practically all of the founding fathers who said so much as a word about this clause explicitly identified it as the legislature's exclusive domain). It does not belong to the president. Lincoln exercised the suspension power without obtaining a bill from Congress to do so. For that reason his action was unconstitutional.
If you want it that way, then you have the Merryman case to hang on Lincoln which became moot because Merryman was released once Maryland settled down and before Congress returned. But when congress did return in July, they suspended the writ so I expect in the future that you will refrain from calling the subsequent actions unconstitutional and stop blaming them on Lincoln. In lieu of that, I would expect an equal, or even higher level of outrage from you towards Davis and the Confederate congress for their suspension of the writ throughout the war. That suspension hit people in the South you know.
BTW. Do you consider Wm. Renquist to be a leftist hag as well? Is anyone not invested in your Lost Cause Myths a leftist hag?