To: hoosiermama
But, the monthly should never make up the total.....Then the group would be come elitist. Everyone should be able to pay a small part and claim ownership. Since no one knows how much anyone contributes unless they declare themselves, I see nothing elitist about every person who values and wants to consider themselves part of FR contributing a SMALL amount every month.
The camaraderie and sense of belonging would be enhanced through shared support.
877 posted on
01/10/2004 9:12:11 AM PST by
( Help end Freepathons -- become a monthly donor.)
To: RottiBiz
I agree, but never make up the total. Therefore no fund drives at all. Everyone should be able to support, contribute as they desire. Open ended, not closed when the monthly contributors meet the need.
878 posted on
01/10/2004 9:16:45 AM PST by
(Prayers for all!)
To: RottiBiz
Afternoon Rotti .. how ya doing today?
913 posted on
01/10/2004 11:12:06 AM PST by
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