This is not the first call I've gotten on this - I've had several.
Each one are up in arms over utter disgust, disbelief, and awe.
Each are Republicans who have voted party line an average of forty to fifty years.
Each agree on one thing: Bush lost a minimum of 10% of his support in one fell swoop. In one day he has successfully manged to do the near impossible - alienate at least 25% of ALL Republicans.
Hell hath no fury like a Republican scorned.
8. Later this month President Bush will give his State of the Union Address to the nation. What topic are you most interested in hearing the president talk about during his speech? (OPEN ENDED)
The economy/jobs 35% Iraq 17 Terrorism 10 Health Care 4 Medicare/
prescription Drugs4 Education 3 Immigration/
illegal aliens2 Social Security 2 Taxes 2 Budget Deficit 1 Other 5 None 6 Not sure 9