We're in agreement here.Where I find Zinni deficient is the timing and the public bleating. Frankly,THAT choice leads me to conclude he is suffering from advanced Croweitis. Now,I'm glad to hear your confidence in the general.I agree, he'd do his job well enough. I disagree with Zinni on his position about the strategic timing of the war
This is the crux of my"trashing" of Zinni,and I'd say a good bit of those of us who served before, while and after he did.His timing and motivation are highly suspect. Thanks for the job you did.Were you around in the McNamera days? I was.
Having served under the man and gotten to know him I can honestly say he doesn't have a political bone in his body
I was amazed he took the Palestine job. Effort was doomed to failure before it began
A politically astute person would have known that
Serving at the pleasure of the President I guess he felt there wasn't much choice
A more politically savvy person would have begged out
No, I believe the man is just telling the truth as he sees it
To answer your question, during the MacNamara days all I could shoot was a BB gun
Studied it a lot though (Vietnam). Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz are actually worse for my money
The missed opportunities would make you weep
We're still winning though.
All the best