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To: Cubs Fan
Good Evening All-

Cubs Fan, thanks for helping us all to stay up-to-speed on this completely under-reported story. Under different circumstances, this would receive major coverage from The New York Times, ABCCBSNBCCNN, et al.

I'm willing to bet a million dollars that skeletons will come out of the closet regarding Lennell Greer and past criminality. A man doesn't live a straight, honest life and then decide to turn into a violent criminal based on a single cellular call. He is no stranger to this sociopathic behavior and I'm confident that additional investigations will prove me right.

The slimy defense lawyers from the infamous firm of Waterstraat, Fisk, Wendouie, Screwem, & Howe will not be able to successfully defend their client in the courts, especially the court of public opinion. It doesn't matter how nasty the discussion was to his family members or whether they felt "dissed and dismissed" at the time, Lennell Greer is wrong for swinging baseball bats at people. His fifteen-year-old cohort is simply a Criminal-In-Training (CIT) who should receive an identical penalty.

Once everything has been sorted in this case, we'll see it had its origins in the simple fact that two white people had the audacity to "call out" two black people on their unacceptable behavior. In this case, the black people became enraged that the white people didn't tuck their tails between their legs (typical Caucasian response) and the situation escalated from they felt compelled to make some righteous calls to their homies.

Not trying to interpret this story as a race thing...but it's a race thing.

~ Blue Jays ~

50 posted on 12/28/2003 9:33:38 PM PST by Blue Jays (Rock Hard, Ride Free)
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To: Blue Jays
Another great post!

I got a little more inside scoop. Here's what the papers haven't said.

The inside monitor shows only there was a shouting match the reason can't be completely determined (by appearance the black girl got out of line then stepped back in and this triggered the argument)

Walmart security came by and said to both parties something to the effect of "its Christmas please stop", then left.

The outside camera shows nothing because the rain made too much glare, its imposssible to see whats happening.

And as I mentioned before the Hispanic cashier said that the woman used her cell phone to call the thugs telling them to get the whites that came out behind them.

In addition to the boy age 15 and the father, two or more other blacks joined in the melee who it is believed didn't know any of the parties involved (it was a chance to get some good licks on whitey I guess)

51 posted on 12/28/2003 10:32:58 PM PST by Cubs Fan
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