Ron Everett (aka. Maulana Karenga), the leader of a violent racist gang of black Marxist thugs called US attempted to create a religion called Kawaida. Kwanzaa is an offshoot of that religion. Both were intended as an alternative to Christianity, which Everett (aka. Maulana) calls "spookism".
The racist observance was invented around the same time Everett was in prison for torturing two teenage girls. Everett and an associate had suspected the girls, who lived in a commune with him, of putting "crystals" in his food and had tortured the girls overnight by forcing them to disrobe, eat caustic detergeant, putting their toes in a vice, whipping them with an extension cord, and burning them and their various orifices with a soldering iron. He did at least 5 years in prison for this crime.
Later, at a meeting in a UCLA student union lunch room about who would run the new black studies program, some members of the rival Black Panthers heckled Everett during his presentation. After the meeting, Everett's gang shot and killed 2 of those same Panthers before they could leave the building.
Everett went on to capitalize on his violent, racist history and tendencies and his Marxist worldview (he is a self-described Marxist) to qualify for the position, which he hold to this day, of head of the black studies program at UC-Long Beack.
Kwanzaa was designed to spread Everett's bizarre religious and Marxist beliefs. It is a sham. There is no harvest nor harvest festival in December in Africa. No tribe in Africa celebrates anything remotely similar. Only a small piece of Africa knows Swahili. Maize is not an African crop. Etc. You should have the picture by now.
The 7 themes or ideas of Kwanzaa are racially/culturally divisive and even Marxist by design. They are the same identical tenets used by the Symbianese Liberation Army, the terrorist group who kidnapped Patty Hearst and murdered at least one security guard.
Rotten man. Rotten holiday. Rotten ideas.