Matt was sure caught napping on this one.
Andrea Mitchell says on MTP: How the trial of Saddam would take place, was decided months ago, with the involvement of The State Department. She said, it will be decided by 5 Iraqi judges, it will be the first war crimes trial held outside The Hague. She sounded very sure of herself. And not 30 seconds later, Dan Rather on CBS says, we don't know how the trial of Saddam will be run, no decisions have been made. Dan is blathering away, seemingly impervious to the fact that he's out of date, out of touch, and totally behind on what's happening. Please Dan, just go way!
NBC had on a stable of former Clinton administration officials to grudgingly opine on what this capture means. Sandy Berger, Richard Holbrook, etc. Guess Tom couldn't find a republican?
How like President Bush to allow General Sanchez and Paul Bremer make the announcement. How unlike what Clinton would have done!
And folks, it looks like Al Gore's timing is as bad as ever! Haha Anti-war Howard Dean can't be saying "They haven't even captured Saddam Hussein" in his stump speeches any longer.