To: the; Noumenon; Avoiding_Sulla; AAABEST; countrydummy; newriverSister
I'm glad i am not the only one that has picked up on that. Notice how in the one news article the literature is called "anti-American" and in the other "anti-Government."
IOW the Government is America.
22 posted on
12/09/2003 5:14:17 AM PST by
(I believe Tawana! Sharpton for Prez! Slap the Donkey or Spank the Monkey? Your Choice)
To: sauropod
The local news (this is local, I'm in Greenville) said "anti-gov", AP says anti-American. I'll go with the local guy. And to some people, I imagine "anti-gov't" is not the same as anti-American.
87 posted on
12/09/2003 9:33:05 AM PST by
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