She does say Bush didn't level with us, and she keeps saying what "she heard on the ground in Iraq". As if the soldiers would level with her. She wants "straight talk from the administration". HA! She wouldn't recognize that if she heard it.
"you know, I have no way of knowing....." she should say that more often!!!!
(I meant to count the times she said, "you know".)
She's covering her ample ass with equivication, and interestingly, aligning herself with Newt's criticism of the war plan, which she says we'll read about this week.
Shiney pink pop beads....nice touch.
Listen folks, from what I'm hearing, Hillary is moving her ample ass to the right, and who can blame her? She knows how popular this commander in chief is, she wants to be kinder and gentler.
She absolutely refuses to say whether or not she would send more soldiers to Iraq, she absolutely refuses to say what she would do if she were president. Russert is trying to nail ain't happening..she's slicker than snot. She will not commit to what she would do if Bush asks for more troops, even tho while she was there, she said we need more troops.
"you know, you know...."
She's careful to applaud the troops, but bash the war plan. "I don't think we know", whether Iraq is a bigger threat now. Man oh man, she really is being super cautious in her criticism of Bushs....very super cautious. 'On the other hand" should be her middle name....this morning. This morning, she's speaking to the national electorate....not the Democratic cookie.
Hillary says, "No", I do not regret giving the president the authority to go to war, but I do regret the way he abused it.
Russert questions her about what she said while in Iraq. Was it appropriate to criticize the president in Iraq? She blames these accusations on right wing talk shows. HAHAHAH
"I wasn't going to lie to that soldier from Fort Drum New York, she says. HAHAHAH.
"you know, you know"
"globalization of information"
"happy talk"
"I believe Osama is alive and is in Afghanistan" "NATO hasn't done it's part" "(Second time she's bashed NATO, not Bush)
Oh goodie, now we get to hear how Hillary dances around Dean! " Well, Tim, I've taken a neutral position, I'm not going to comment on any of our candidates." "We need to do more on Homeland Security".
Biggest Lie of the Day?
"That in 2008 I will be supporting the re-election of a democratic president."
Away from the left wing TV cameras, the corrupt M.E. dictators and their screaming Muslim fanatics of The West Bank, Fullujah, Tehran, Mecca and other hot spots, that's what you find.
It's human nature, it's the majority -- even there -- and the sooner most here know that, the better off we will be. I find it stunning that some -- even here at FR -- don't recognize this. Instead they believe the propaganda that all the world hates us, and hates freedom because the NY Times wants us to think that.
Freedom for Iran.