How in the world are they buying only necessities? I think they don't know the difference between a need and a want, because I have lived on far less than that. Not that recently, but I have done it. Yesterday I "needed" a Gamecube because it came with all the Zelda games. I really, really "needed" it.
My husband was also laid off early this year. We were firmly in the middle class, and since we had bought our house only a year before, we had no savings. We sold our house and moved across the country to where he found a good job. It cost us large amounts of money to move. For about six months this year, one of us was out of work (I had to find a job after we moved). We racked up NO credit card debt, and now, since we have moved to a cheaper part of the country, we are financially much better off.
Another fabrication from the liars at the NYT's?
I quite agree. A few years ago, my sister was living in Chicago on about $10K per year - and saving money. Newsflash: movies, dining out, video games, Mercedes Benzes ... not necessities.