you'd think the Dems would have learned from Reagan not to go around mis-underestimating people. :-)
Yes. President Bush is a brilliant man and a brilliant strategist. One of his most effective strategies is to appear less effective than he really is, thus keeping his adversaries off guard and leaving them vulnerable to surprise maneuvers. He encourages his adversaries to believe their own propaganda. The Democrats are too dumb to figure this out, and they can't understand how he continues to dance circles around them and why he is so consistently "lucky".
We make our own luck. Fortunately, the Democrats can't understand this.
It's the same thing as saying that each of us is responsible for his own destiny.
The Democrats, for so long a time, have barraged the world with the fiction of victimhood--that no one is responsible for his own misfortune--that it takes a village to make it through life--etc. etc. blah blah blah. They have spent so much time on this self-serving propaganda that they have begun to believe it themselves. This is yet one more reason why they are doomed.