It would also be the conservative, right thing to do. Endless "recovery" means never having to repent, which is the biblical way to deal with sin.
Too bad so many Christians today don't know their history, that Freud created therapists as secular priests to eliminate the influence of the church from the society. As the majority of posts in this thread shows, he succeeded rather well.
Not really true. If you're truly in recovery and not just making the noise, you have repented (lit. "turned around from") your addiction. You're just getting some help and some accountability in dealing with your particular sin--and there's nothing non-Biblical about that.
Although 12-Step programs work regardless of religious beliefs, many of the principles of AA came from the Oxford Groups, a Christian organization. 12-Stepping is not incompatible with Christianity.
I'll go you one better. Psychiatry and psychology are Satan's greatest counterfiets for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Freud and Jung, et al didn't "create" psychiatry and psychology. They are empirical bodies of "knowledge", meaning they came from somewhere. And, that "somewhere" is demonstrably the occult. If you follow the trail of influence back from any of the "great thinkers" like Freud, you'll find (among other things) the alchemists and ancient occultist practices that teach Christ as a metaphor, not as God. The result is that, today, there is a pill for everything and repentance for nothing. Christ is the Perfect Psychiatrist and the "healing arts" are subordinate to Him, not the other way around.