Gun safes with a digital keypad offer a way to keep your gun at the ready with minimal access time.
Use a code-only safe that opens with a digital code as opposed to a safe that can be opened with a key.
Key safes are only as secure as your set of keys and key access is much slower. A simple entering of 4 numbers on a keypad and the safe opens quickly.
Not as fast as having the gun loaded and at the ready at the bedside but the quickest access you can get to your loaded firearm and still have it locked up.
The point was that despite "over 90 million adults owning a gun and almost 40 million children under 10" virtually none of the accidental gun deaths involve anything that could be stopped by gun locks. The book goes into this much more indepth, but the bottom line is that raising the costs of guns by $60 or so by requiring the lock also produces problems because feer poor people will own guns to protect themselves.