The fact is that any trained rifleman could have made that shot.
The biggest problem that the conspiracists have is this:
A LOSER with a JUNK RIFLE changed history.
It's kind of hard to accept, but that is what happened.
You've hit the nail on the head, and that's why American blacks are all convinced that a giant government conspiracy killed King, not a loser with a junk rifle, either.
It's what really drives most conspiracy theories; the refusal to believe terrible things can be done by insignificant people, or can occur by accident; the cause of the tragedy has to psychologically match the victim, or the effect.
Same goes for Pearl Harbor; such a disaster HAS, in the minds of the kooks, be caused by an evil conspiracy by Roosevelt, when in fact we know it was an unfortunate combination of mistakes and blindless and lack of communication within the US military establishment. However, that explanation isn't nearly as exciting as the Roosevelt explanation.
It's kind of hard to accept, but that is what happened.
I agree. Lee Harvey Oswald was helped by the same passive conspiracy that assisted the 9/11 hi-jackers: government bureaucracy.