Yes you are right, but that was a different time. The Republicans could mobilize, partially off the energy that was anti-Clinton. I guess we can't know for sure, but while the Dems have their anti-Bush base, a combination of their inept politics and Bush's agenda have prevented them from growing that base.
The problem as I see it is that the we're always compromising to the Left, and the Federal Leviathan continues to grow with no end in sight, no matter which Party is in control. I guess I just expect better outta the GOP.
I don't disagree, there have been compromises where I would prefer that hadn't been. But I can't minimize the success Bush has had in leading the country after September 11, the recession and the Wall Street crooks. Nor can I forget the political risks he took in winning back control of the Senate. (I know some say that hasn't mattered, but taking the leadership away from Daschle was victory enough for me.)
I am happy that Bush is positioning himself to have four more years to attack some of the domestic issues that have gone ignored and to replace the Supreme Court justice(s) that likely will retire. So I don't disagree with your take, I guess I just balance it differently.
IMHO, the Bush Campaign could garner a lotta support from the RightWingers if he'd articulate how we are going to attack these domestic issues in a conservative manner (i.e. eliminating/consolidating superfluous programs and decreasing wasteful domestic pork-barrel spending).
The RightWing wants to be enthused about a second Bush term, but he's gotta give us something to work with...MUD