Oh, no. That was one of our favorite places to ride our motorcycles to when I lived in San Diego. I hope the fire doesn't make it all the way there.
All these people. I was listening to a story today on KFI about a family who lost their home in the Malibu fires in 93. The toddler couldn't understand it, and carried the box of legos that was in the car everywhere he went, because he was terrified of losing the last thing he had left.
There are going to be alot of people needing grief therapy, some for years. Pets are being left behind, wedding photos, family heirlooms. It's just stunning.
Hmm...when I was there in May someone was offering samples of different types of apple pies. This was near the general store, I think, along the main drag. I wonder if that's the place you're talking about. Great pie, by the way. It's disturbing to think a place I visited that had such seeming permanence could be devastated like that.