To: okimhere
On a lighter note.........I went to In 'N Out today and had a double double Animal Style. I asked the cleancut young fellow at the window what a Gorilla Style was and he just laughed. Said there was no such thing. So now you're going to have to tell us, even if it means you will have to kill us afterward. (Thanks for that link BTW.....what a super burger!!!) My goof, I meant next time you go - ask for Gorilla Fries.
French fries with grilled onions, two slices for cheese and In N Out dressing.
Edison clearing downed power lines on hwy 330 below Lake Arrowhead, could be delays up that route for FFs
To: spectr17; okimhere
Ok,I've seen this "next time you go" thing before.Same thing tomorrow,bleed you dry.
Hey S,how much do they pay you? ;o)
To: spectr17
next time you go - ask for Gorilla Fries.Well, darn it anyway! Now I'll be forced to go again tomorrow..........ROFLMAO!! is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson