‘If I like the results of a poll, then the poll must be valid.
If I dislike the results of a poll, then the poll must be fake.’
Let’s say the poll is fake. It still has Hillary as the most unfavorable person/entity listed. It was stiff competition with the Democrat Party and Congress as a whole, yet Hillary prevailed. That’s worth a laugh, fake or not.
Plus, if it’s fake, Hillary has to add another name to her, People Likely to Commit Suicide or Die in a Plane Crash list. At times the number of people she needs to neutralize must seem daunting even to her.
Btw, I’m just going by the 55% unfavorable # by Hillary’s name. Maybe someone or something is less unpopular is you calculate the difference between their favorable/unfavorable #s. Idk. I just can’t get over her 55% negative #. It’s amazing.