If whatever breaks Carrier received also apply to other AC manufacturers,then,yes,it’s good economics. Otherwise it is the very definition of cronyism.
I just posted the same thing. I should have read the posts first.
All states give companies large and small tax breaks. Just go look what Texas has done with less regulation and lower taxes or South Carolina. Trump said leave and I’m going to place tariffs on you but if you stay I promise to roll back regs and Obama care and lower corporate tax rates for EVEYONE
Absoluteltly as long as the manufacturers agree to invest $16 million to expand their plants and thus increase jobs for every tax incentive of $7 million, sure, why not.
Look at it this way, if you give me $7.00 and I have to spend $16.00 in your store and hire people who will continue buying in your store for decades to come, wouldn’t you think it’s a good deal?
“it is the very definition of cronyism.”
You’re probably right.
My example illustrates the situation for companies that consider moving their operation to foreign countries in the future.