Not really. Trump needs to WIN it, instead of continually shooting himself in the foot. His harping on Cruz does nothing but piss of Cruz supporters who MAY not support him in the general.
Cruz and Kasich have now teamed up in a blatant attempt to keep Trump from 1237. It appears Kasich will pull out of IN and focus on CA, WA, and OR. Cruz will drain as much from IN as possible. Unfortunately, Trumps numbers are strong. He is set to win the entire eastern seaboard along with In. California is looking better and better. The hiring of Manafort has shown nothing but brilliance, and this being said from both anti Trump as well as pro Trump.
If Kasich and Cruz are successful, they will finish tearing the GOP asunder when both mathematically eliminated should drop out and unite behind the leader. But then greed and ambition don’t know anything about grace. Both those men could stand to learn some class from the man you claim keeps shooting himself in the foot.