Trump donated to EVERYONE; it was/is the price of doing business.
I understand that you don't like that, but I'd rather that, than support some lying weasel, who isn't a NBC, has NO chance of winning the nomination, and is a total fraud and a damned TRAITOR; as you do!
look at the amounts of money and when. Especially to clinton and their foundation.
you’re backing an admitted adulterer, someone who bragged about his personal sexcapades with other men’s wives, and is proud of it. And then you believe the Enquirer when an outrageous claim is made of 5 women against one candidate??
and you all know it.
a man who dodged the draft, and you know it.
when he calls himself a republican, you dismiss it, but when a democrat has an identical history, you condemn him, clinton, for it. Why was it wrong for clinton but okay for trump to be a lying , adulterous draft dodger?
it is not me who is the hypocrite, it is all the freepers who ever called themselves a conservative, to now support a lying, bragging, arrogant strip club owner and casino operator and to call him worthy of being president, and the saddest thing, none of what is said is opinion, it is fact, for decades true, decades of compromise with democrats, payoffs he admits he makes to gain influence over democrats...
a man who tells his own supporters to punch people in the face at his rallies and to not worry, how he’ll pay for their legal defense...
a man who brags how his ‘followers’ will defend him if he shoots someone in the face on 5th avenue
and you all know this.
You all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.