Your last post.
May I remind you what I actually said in my original post:
A man who once had principles of intellectual honesty ought to know that Reagan's numbers against Carter in the polls of Spring 1980 were even worse than Trump's are now.
Aren't you glad we didn't listen in 1980 to that line?
I sure am.
Anyone who looks at today's polls concerning a November election and claims they show ANYTHING at all valid knows little about history.
Just ask Carter how his second term went.......
And here you are still trying to pretend I said something else (very petty discussion methodology), and here you are trying to pretend that Reagan's bad polling couldn't have been because of negatives (very intellectually dishonest).
Instead, you might have said, you know, that's a good point. But you didn't and you won't because you seem to prefer being petty and intellectually dishonest. Being obtuse doesn't hide all that.
Very sad. You might want to rethink what it means when a person becomes obtuse, petty, and intellectually dishonest.