From the article:
“I am 100 percent behind Jeb Bush and I’m supporting his effort but I’m also contributing to New Day for America because the educated people in this country, those who believe in hope, not hate, need to say enough is enough and stand up to Donald Trump,” said Le Sage, the only donor who agreed to speak for this story.”
Note that this donor says the Republican “educated people” in this country say enough is enough and will stand up to Donald Trump. Okay all you rubes out there, you clodhoppers, you dummies, you ignorant idiots, you low IQ dopes, the educated folks are going to educate you (substitute attempt to indoctrinate) as to why Trump is bad and their GOPe, RINO candidate is the one you should vote for.
And they say the elitist attitudes come from Democrats. Well, here is living proof otherwise, a big time Republican elitist; K Street, Wall Street, not Main Street. I suspect Trump, with his high school military academy education, along with his U. of PA Wharton School of Finance college education where he got high grades, just isn’t good enough in a candidate. I believe it was Rush that affectionately said Trump is a blue collar billionaire. That is a badge of honor this elitist pig can’t comprehend.
As it appears that this superpac is being contributed to by the campaigns of other Republican candidates who as part of the deal that Trump made to not go 3rd Party, were to support whoever is the winner of the Primary battle, this gives Trump all the ammunition he needs to go 3rd Party if these fools persist in trying to take down the front runner of their OWN Party. And it appears they are very willing to persist. RNC beware. You are treading on swampground.
Guarantee Donahue the Chamber of Commerce C E O is the force behind this!
I detest ALL the gangs and plots against Mr. Trump.