I think it is important to distinguish their goals.
The difference between the National Socialism of the Nazis, and International Socialists, is that the former are patriotic and embrace their nations.
International Socialists, such as are found in the Socialist International and the US Democrats, an organization of political parties around the world, hate the idea of nations, and want them eliminated in favor of economic blocs run by an unelected, one world government.
What multinational corporations and the Republican leadership espouse is Internationalist Corporatocracy. Similar in many ways to International Socialists, the Corporatists find much common ground with them.
But while motivated by profits, they see socialism as a way to pay many of their expenses. For example, socialized medicine (theoretically) keeps their employees healthy, and is paid for by taxpayer dollars. The same with socialized retirement. And like the socialists, they want open borders so they can pay the least for employees.
So the Corporatists are more than happy to go along with socialism, though their end game, while only rarely depicted in books or movies, is much like that found in the original movie “Rollerball”. Not the ridiculous idealism found in socialist theories.
Most informative, thanks.
The Corporatists’ drive to socialize FOOD was the most embarassing. Every $100/mo they got .gov to pay for with EBT was another pair of sneakers or phone or TV or whatever consumer good those pesky eating costs were depriving them of... and introduced tens of millions of Americans to going on the Dole.