If that was my bag, Id become a journalist. That is a perfect description, all talk and no responsibility for results. Trump could have bought a TV station or a newspaper if that was his thing. Im hesitant about Trump for one reason: hes taken a lot of liberal positions in the past. That doesnt have to be a show stopper. . . but where is the enthusiasm of the convert?
- Sam Donaldson :
- "Mr. President, in talking about the continuing recession tonight, you have blamed mistakes in the past and you have blamed the Congress. Does any of the blame belong to you?
- Ronald Reagan :
- "Yes because for many years I was a Democrat."
OTOH, things have gotten so bad that the operative rationale may have to be,
I cant spare the man; he fights!
Reagan was a Dem9crat, but not a liberal. He had 25 years of consistent conservative activism before becoming president. It’s nothing like Trump.