What utter nonsense. Cruz is brilliant on his feet and can answer challenges with facts and logic. Check out this example of his ability to swat a leftist gnat aside with style and courage of his convictions:
Ellen Page Confronts Ted Cruz on Gay Rights at Iowa State Fair
He picks her apart without even putting down the pork patty. If he was Trump, for example, he would have scowled, called her "a loser", and made some comment about her gender.
Cruz is ten times the "fighter" than anybody else on the GOP stage.
Think of the debate with Cruz vs Trump. LOL
I listened to the discussion and comparing his replies to the hour I listened to Trump in Louisiana, I could listen to Cruz for many hours and not have to force myself to listen.
Video clip will not play. Said it was unavailable. Had no problems with the ads.
I love the ease with which Cruz takes apart the liberals. However, great debating skills alone wont win elections. It takes strategy.
And strategy is where Cruz is falling short. The illegal invasion by anti-English, very anti-American invaders poses an existential threat to our Republic -- the greatest since our Founding.
This is the most important issue -- all others are orders of magnitude less important.
Trump grabbed the issue of illegal invaders. It resonated. I was astounded and very disappointed that Cruz did not in a smart way (seem like not "me too") pivot and move to the right of Trump on this issue. Cruz treats it as just another issue. Hence, his slight movement in the polls.
Which ever candidate seems strongest on illegal immigration will win. It is a simple as that.