Ted Cruz. . .naturally.
Can if he wants it too, tool.
Even if the belligerent savvy Conservative billionaire and current GOP front-runner doesnt implode...
Fixed the leftist adjective.
If Trump does leave the race for whatever reason, leftist weenie Josh Voorhees, senior writer will blast it all over the water cooler area at Slate that he IMPLODED. His underling lackeys will be impressed.
the fundamentals of American politics will still catch up to him: At some point the GOP field will narrow and an establishment favorite will consolidate enough support to knock Trump from his perch. Eventually, that means he will exit a nominating battle he cannot win.
Those fundamentals of course are all skewed to fit the agenda of Rove, the Bush and Clinton dynasties, Red Eye (swung way left after Gutfeld left) and all the e-GOP pols
They all hate Trump for exposing the corruption brought to our country by the dems and the republicans. The one party system is alive and well.
He has a lot of solutions that will help bring out Country back to the Constitutional Republic it was meant to be.
The disenfranchised tend to remain disenfranchised, if their new-found hero drops out. They will not choose a RINO who represents the group that disenfranchised them.
If you take time to examine details of where Trump’s support comes from, it is ALL ACROSS EVERY CATEGORY.
Men, women, old, young, education levels, etc.
So id Trump drops out because RNC is unfair to him,
it is impossible to predict where his support will go.
More than likely Trump runs 3rd party and the supporters move with him. Idiots like Perry & Graham thought they would gain points by attacking Trump, UNPROVOKED.
I still do not see why many are predicting Trump will soon be out of the picture, be it wishful thinking or what, I do not know.
But if he does drop out, his supporters certainly will not go to some jacka$$ RINO.
Trump has done an outstanding job of bringing issues to the forefront the GOPe want to keep quiet on. The GOPe has said screw you to all that gave them the House & Senate. The average voter, including the low info ones, knows they are all corrupted with lobbying money and other forms of bribery. The voter knows it’s all just one Uniparty of thugs running DC using their EPA & IRS strong arms. It’s disgusting, a cry baby drunk ramrodding the House and a milk toast whimp running the Senate.
If Trump does fold, his supporters will undoubtedly go to someone like Cruz. If the GOPe is successful in keeping Cruz out, then all those voters will stay home like they have for the last two prez elections, only in greater numbers.
an establishment favorite will consolidate enough support
Not going to vote for any of The Cheap Labor Express Candidates.
They all want to Comprehensively Screw Americans Out Of Their Country”
More wishful thinking from terrified liberals. Trump has burned all his bridges. It’s the Oval Office or bust. He is a very dangerous man, and I love it. The Uniparty needs to be smashed to bits, and he is the only one to do it. Plus I want to see him appoint Rafael Theodore Cruz as the new Chief Justice.
Cruz—He’s the only one, as far as I can tell, that hasn’t insulted Trump’s supporters.
I will tell you exactly what will happen and that is a lot of people will just stay home. If they are like me they are tired of the lies and promises not kept.
No more professional politicians.
So I guess we will just see what shakes out.
They are only hoping that Trump is going to drop out.
I would agree to go with Cruz even though he has to change his viewpoint on bringing in another 325,000 foreign workers when so many Americans are out of work.
This is typical of the crap we have to put up with these days. This is not journalism. It doesn't even qualify as "advocacy journalism".
This is simply a composting thought process (and I use that term here very loosely) masquerading very poorly as semi-informed opinion.
The author, and his editor (who, in another time, would likely be among the unemployed) offers up sh!t like this in the devout hope that the low information voter, almost all who are products of our institutionalized "educational" school system, will lap this up, quite uncritically, mind you, and regurgitate it for discussion at his weekend's wine and brie party.
But, given the Donald's rising popularity, it would seem a growing number of these LIVs have come to the realization that, education-wise, they've been sold a bill of goods, and the Donald's message strikes an inner chord within them.
If memory serves, the media and "mainstream" politicians tried this tack with Reagan back in '80. It would seem they refuse to learn history's mysteries...or something like that!
For sure, Trump has his weaknesses, and he'll have an occasional moment when he says something that leaves you saying, "huh?". That's OK. Everybody has those moments.
But Trump has big balls, and the total courage of his convictions. He says enough of the right things so that you know you'll be coming back for more.
I was really blase about his candidacy until he formally announced. He did everything right, said all the right things. I knew he was gonna piss off the ruling elite, and that prospect simply whetted my appetite for more.
Yes, I am with the Donald, and unless he massively ****s up, he is going to win.
Of course, it's what happens after that that will make things interesting, chief among them being, how will he dismantle the socialist leviathan he inherits from Obama?
Stay tuned, kids, and make sure you have your decoder rings with you!
If Trump drops out, I will sit at home rather than cast a vote for Jeb. Fair warning.
How in the world does this man (Trump) represent conservative values? I dont get it.
-—from a poster on Hot Air
Who said he does?
Just destroying the DC Uniparty machine is all thats good right now. 2016 is waaaay aways.
-—answer from another poster on Hot Air
Well, that is quite a Condescending Headline.
Trump is the Frontrunner at this point and they keep bringing this crap up, absolutely amazing. We have 15 Months until D Day and this is starting up already.
IF Trump drops out it’s Cruz, who else?
Do they really think that Crispy or the Huckster would benefit? LOL