Liberal fascists are deeply saddened.
Is this not redundant?
To a regular candidate this would have been the end of their try for the White House—But Trump isn’t your average GOP candadate. Its just like Bill Clinton was not hurt by his charges of Womanizing—everyone knew it when he was elected. Its just Bill being Bill. Same with Trump’s bomblastic talk—people know he loves his country. Its just Trump getting angry at McCain. Lots of folks don’t like Mccain in any case. Its Trump being Trump. Reminds me of Truman using swear words—most thought that would sink him—it didn’t because it was just Harry being Harry. Nixon got in trouble when he was caught swearing like a sailor (he was in the Navy after all) because he cultivated a goody two shoes persona—and it was out of sink for him to use such colorful talk. This will not stop Trump.