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To: South40

“He would no doubt like to be, but as a liberal democRAT, that’s not going to happen.”

I’ve noticed your many posts on Trump; you don’t like him, and that is okay. However, you insist that he is a liberal. He has said liberal things in the past, I’m sure. But now he is saying conservative things that he has maintained for at least six years, some much longer. So why is it that you choose to believe things he has said in the past, but not now? It is as if you can, from a distance, perceive when he is being honest and when he is being false. Example: Bill Cassidy here in Louisiana won the senatorial election run off last December. He campaigned, basically, as a tea party candidate. He pledged from his heart to do certain things for the state and nation. The very things he pledged to do, he literally turned around and violated those pledges in THREE days. My point being that politicians will say anything. Now, as for Trump, he stands by what he says against a firestorm. When was the last time you saw that?
And, importantly, in the past he has contributed to politicians; they have not contributed to him. They won’t.

28 posted on 07/03/2015 4:31:45 AM PDT by odawg
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To: odawg
But now he is saying conservative things that he has maintained for at least six years, some much longer. So why is it that you choose to believe things he has said in the past, but not now?

A candidate will say whatever he or she has to say to get your vote. The real and smarter way to know what they are about is to look at their record and not their words. Never trust what they say. ALWAYS look at what they have done. That's the way it is always done.

I'm guessing you are either relatively young or new to politics because I know I have seen it many times. Political candidates say things every election cycle. It's not impressive. It's doesn't impress me. Let me put this in words you might understand. Former Texas governor Rick Perry while running for president will talk tough on immigration. But he has a RECORD of having been pro-ILLEGAL immigration the entire time he was governor of Texas. Do you see my point? If we were to believe what he says now we would think he was tough on ILLEGAL immigration but his record proves he is not. Always look at their record and not what they say while running.

And, importantly, in the past he has contributed to politicians; they have not contributed to him. They won’t.

That's just the opposite of what his other defenders in this forum are saying in his defense. They say that as a businessman he had to grease the palms of certain politicians to get things done. So which is it?

Trump can say all he wants as a newly minted conservative but his record as a decades long liberal democRAT say otherwise. Again, believe what you want, but his record is what proves who and what he is.

I hope that helps.

31 posted on 07/03/2015 9:38:54 AM PDT by South40 ("I probably identify more as a democRAT" ~Donald Trump)
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