People don’t to attack gays as individuals -— but the Big Gay organizations are political organizations just like any other political organization and deserve to be held to account for bullying, bribery, undue influence and packing boards, school and corporate.
They are political organizations, just like a carpenter’s union or any PAC. they are out to do the best they can for their constituency, even if they have to walk all over other people.
I don’t hate carpenters just because I would object to the bullying tactics of a corrupt carpenter’s UNION.
Christ said to love your fellow man not some political party, he didn’t say to love the Democratic Party or some CPAC or some union or the Nazi party or the Socialist party. he said INDIVIDUALs.
The Big Gay organizations have millions of dollars and unbounded ambition and an unslakeable thirst for power. You don’t have to grovel to them because they constantly use individuals -— pitiful, oppressed and suitably handsome as in all their propaganda -— they are POLITICAL POWER GROUPS.
Gay bullies are allowed to be homofascists.