Remember, there are a very large percentage of legal Hispanics who are very upset with the RINO illegal immigrant policy.
“Remember, there are a very large percentage of legal Hispanics who are very upset with the RINO illegal immigrant policy.”
Yes, those are known as “traitors”. Their first loyalty is to the best interests of a foreign nation, and to citizens of a foreign country. America last,,,,, that’s a traitor.
Wait, you are speaking of the American Hispanics against the wave I think. Those are true patriots. I thought you were speaking of the ones angry that the Gop hasn’t found a way to legalize their brethren yet.
Smart and saavy Latinos kmow that retention of illegal immigrants jeopordizes their own families.
Excellent point....the term Hispanic is thrown around a lot but truth be known there is a huge difference in Hispanic cultures/politics. Mexico stands out as a wasteland to most, although Telemundo/Univison try to show only the festival side of Mexico....which is far from the truth. Rubio and Cruz are continually shown in a bad light. But depending on the area of the US Hispanics are generally more conservative if they arent in Blue states....Texas is far different the Calif. for example. Overwelming majority of Hispanics in the US are from Mexico, but that doesnt make ALL slimey lowlife vile and disgusting registered Democrats.........