Once again it was on the news a couple of days ago, that the Democrats were united and were agreeing on their positions,
.. and the Republicans were not able to present their position because they could not come to an agreement within the party. Dumb! right! Totally ineffective.
Some how we must actually decide on what is important and stick to it as a party. Conservatives are stubborn and contrary it seems. WHY Oh Why are we so hard headed? It gets nothing done and sets them up for ridicule.
We do agree on the right to have and keep firearms, according to the rules and not for drunks or criminals, we do agree on freedom of choices and freedom of movement, etc.,, we agree abortion is not legal, and is murder. we believe in the right of private property. We do know we must cut the run away spending, Immigration is in need of some enforced principles. We know immigrants are told to vote for Democrats because they are for the poor. Partly a lie, and Republicans are for the rich, partly a lie in regard to pushing down the needy. We simply MUST FIND a way to effectively get our story out, and our stand on issues to be understood, clearly. MO!
We will never be able to overcome the medias ling in regard to the motives of the Republicans. The immigrants will likely not understand the situation in truth.
Democrats are unified on their Message. And will defend their people to the death!
Our Sides wants to toss anyone and everyone at the first sign of trouble.
When Someone Brings up anything about Sarah being "Damaged".
All I say is "Hilary Clinton and Vince Foster"