Just lay out the conservative things that he has gotten passed.
Why go out of the way to attack Cruz if you have a real conservative record.
Are you talking about Perry or Dewhurst?
Perry created a business friendly climate making Texas one of the most successful states.
Perry defunded Planned Parenthood.
Perry instituted tort reform, lawsuits being one of the biggest expenses doctors face... doctors like Texas.
Perry kept the Texas government lean and mean which he wanted to do nationally.
People move TO Texas not away from it.
I could name ten more things, but you don’t care anyway.
“If he has done such a good job, why can’t he explain what he has done! Just lay out the conservative things that he has gotten passed.”
For the record, fortheDeclaration, Lt. Gov. Dewhurst has no problem explaining what he has done, and you don’t have to search to find out, but since you claim to be unaware of all the conservative things Dewhurst has gotten passed, I am proud to “just lay them out”.
But first I’ll answer the question you posed of “Why go out of the way to attack Cruz if you have a real conservative record?
Answer: how is telling the truth about what Cruz does in his occupation as a lawyer and who pays him an “attack” in the first place? The public needs to know this aspect of Cruz. Contrasting Cruz lack of experience in anything besides litigation with your own record and life experience is not an attack. It is stating fact.
But isn’t the question in your mind, why does Cruz go out of his way to run his whole campaign as an attack on Dewhurst as not being conservative when Dewhurst’s record proves he is a conservative?
Theres a major reason why TEXAS conservatives are coalescing behind Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst in the open U.S. Senate race. While virtually all candidates in the extended field agree we need a dramatic housecleaning in Washington, Dewhurst is the sole contender who has proven he can deliver on what he promises.
Dewhurst has compiled an impressive record of budget-cutting and trimming government, starting in his first political office with a major reduction in force at the General Land Office. He continued to hold the line during his five legislative sessions as Lieutenant Governor. Even during periodic rough economic times, the Texas Legislature has eliminated expected shortfalls and balanced the state budget entirely by cutting spending, never once resorting to a general tax increase. Thats a record unmatched anywhere in the country.
Dewhurst has also pushed through legislation protecting vulnerable human life, (ever hear of the Texas sonogram law and Texas defunding of the Planned Parenthood abotionists?) trimming excesses of personal injury trial lawyers, maintaining a job-friendly regulatory and tax climate, safeguarding the integrity of elections (strongest Voter ID Law out there and currently being litigated by the State of Texas AG against the feds challenges to it) and reducing taxes when possible - all while strengthening our border security (and it’s true he has passed everything he can to do so without getting us sued by the Federal Government like Arizona - and when that is decided in the courts, I’m sure we will get similar legislation in Texas done). He has helped create a favorable business climate that has attracted businesses and created jobs, and made Texas the envy of other states during this post-2008 recession. When Dewhurst vows to take this Texas model to Washington, he does so with credibility and personal experience.
Dewhurst has managed to accomplish all this in the Texas Senate, where the minority party still has the numbers to stop any legislation dead in its tracks. But Dewhurst has a businessmans ability to work to a successful deal without sacrificing his principles. As Ronald Reagan advocated, he takes 90 percent and tries to get the remaining 10 percent next time. Hes been equally effective in enacting conservative social policy as well. As one prominent pro-life leader has said: Until Lt. Gov. Dewhurst was elected, the state senate was where our legislation came to die. He has been a game-changer for the pro-family movement.
Even as Lt. Governor, Dewhurst has never been part of the inside Austin establishment. He was strongly opposed by the lobby when he first ran for Lt. Governor. Since his election, hes been a quiet and persistent advocate for transparency and reform, and an enemy of business as usual. Hes developed a well-deserved reputation for intelligence, integrity and independence. He is serious about public policy. Dewhurst is never afraid to dive into issues and come up with solutions that embrace free market principles, as hes done with state health care and other issues. And hes as persistent as he is serious. He will make a principled and determined U.S. Senator.
After making it in the energy and agriculture sectors, starting relatively late in life, Dewhurst became active in political life - even while continuing to run his investment firm. He knows from personal experience that our national wealth expands, and our people become prosperous, only when the private sector takes risks and creates jobs. More importantly, he knows how the heavy hand of government can undermine the hopes and dreams of entrepreneurs and small businessmen. Congress needs more businessmen, more men and women who have created jobs and who can address our troubled economy with personal experience and conviction.
The U.S. Senate race has produced a number of solid candidates and future political talent. Virtually all of them talk the talk about cleaning up the mess in Washington - repealing Obamacare, reducing spending, creating a good business environment. But only one has truly walked the walk, and proven that he can deliver. Dewhurst has a solid track record of accomplishment reining in government on the state level, balancing budgets, protecting the core American family, defending our sovereignty, and safeguarding the American dream for future generations.
There, Dewhurst’s conservatism laid out for you as you requested.