There is a distinct possibility that in the process of at least attempting to TRY and take our country back, someone out there will realize that the GOPE has GOT to GO, and includes those coming up behind them from their various farm teams in important states, for years now being groomed to continue the RINO reign in DC!
It is even possible that voters will understand that the Establishment is responsible for fascilitating Marxist movement into our government for their own sake, for entrenchment, power, committee favors, and money.
If ONE mediocre Republican gets swept out in a purge of those sorts then so be it. Many of us are willing to vote for a newcomer to the US Senate, who is beholding to conservative activists for his candidacy, and took him to a run off against a guy (DEWHURST) who has failed utterly to even court conservative interest groups or the Tea Party.
I’d say most of the danged cantankery going on around here comes from those in a huff in general, over some other reasons, who are on permanent pout and willing to play footsie with the Establishment, just cuz, and willing to enable the same old RINO FINDER process.
Go vote for DEW. I’m sure you will. All two of you, but the Tea Party is looking to clean house.
Cruz may not even make it. It’s up hill all the way. If your DEWboy throws in the Democrat money that’s coming his way and then some of his own 250 million fortune, it will be tough enough. So cheer up, but the criticism of those of us in actual resistance mode and rebellion is a little the pot calling the kettle black.
Just a little weary here of the whining.
Cruz for US Senate, 2012
If you’re so weary of the whining, why do you keep doing it?
You’re obviously not from Texas.
Your remark about ‘all two of us’ is kind of silly.
Dewhurst held a large margin over Cruz and only failed to get a majority because there were 4 candidates.
Dewhurst has a proven record of accomplishment in Texas. Cruz is an outsider who has convinced some tea party people that he’s an attack dog who will single-handedly bring conservatism to the senate.
Why don’t you clean up your own state and, by the way, I am sick of the term GOP-E.