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Sarah Palin, could she be ...
Nolan Chart ^ | February 15, 2012 | Mark Vogel

Posted on 02/15/2012 6:39:38 PM PST by 2ndDivisionVet

If Sarah is flirting, I was seduced a long time ago! For everyone who doesn't want Romney, this is huge!

It's only in the modern era that Presidential nominations have been locked up before most American voters even tuned in. So this year, for the nation, the Republican Primary is kind of a return to older times, when all Americans counted, not just the few power brokers. The race has been a very rich blue blood from New England ( where he would not carry one state in the general election ) and a group of three, Newt, Rick and Ron scrambling for the 60 plus percent of Republicans who won't be bought!

And now, a new card is thrown into the game, Sarah Palin coming off the bench to be the choice at a divided GOP Convention! And with just a hint, she will stir the pot and drive the media nuts! Hurrah for Sarah.

In one of my most recent columns I told you about a conversation I had with a friend who had attended CPAC. He told me that Sarah had been the closing speaker, and the best. And he said, she had indicated she was not out of the game, and he even predicted she would be the horse to mount for the General election race.


That's the only verb that describes this possiblity. Did the Governor from Alaska out fox the pundits, the consultants, and the power elite in the GOP to dance right around all the murderous press that she would have had to endure?

Looks like this lady is not someone to play with.

I have been a Palin supporter from the beginning. For me, she was the choice by lengths. None of the rest of the candidates have her charisma, her grit, her unique character. For America, in this time of crisis and cross roads, there is only one person who can truly change the course of the ship of state! And that's Sarah.

So is this for real?

We can't know. She did not hint towards jumping in now. She hinted that she could be the one to pick in a brokered convention.

But this does provide a ray of hope. It provides one more reason NOT to vote for Romney. But it also provides a reason to go to the polls and vote for anybody other than Romney. It does provide a real reason to be involved. For the grass roots, make your choice from Newt, Rick or Ron but do it and be there on Primary Day. Don't let Romney buy you, or win because of apathy.

America does not have one flat tire. We have four flat tires, a blown engine, no battery, and a leaky gas tank where fuel is running ...and may ignite if it hits something electric or hot.

We need someone with a renewed vision of the old America. Yes, the old America. The one that put a man on the moon. The one that on Decemeber 25, 1991 won the half century Cold War liberating 500 million souls in 13 nations! We need the old America that when I was born was unquestionably the wealthiest, most powerful, most successful nation in the entire world. And we need someone who knows why all that happened.

Sarah proved in Alaska she could be an executive. She went against corruption in her own party...and beat the oil companies at the same time! In her third year as governor her approval ratings in Alaska were over eighty percent!!!! 80 percent!

So... we wait. But now, on the horizon, we see a light. So GOP grass roots, get to the polls, and pick anyone but Mitt!!!

TOPICS: Issues; Parties; Polls; State and Local
KEYWORDS: cultofpalin; gingrich; palin; romney; santorum; sarah; sarahpalin; shesnotrunning; zot
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To: editor-surveyor

Troll? You are aware I’ve been a member of free republic for 14 years?

81 posted on 02/15/2012 8:19:57 PM PST by Leclair10
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To: Lakeshark
I never saw his (her?) opus (opi?)

Opera. Really.

82 posted on 02/15/2012 8:22:37 PM PST by glock rocks (optimist , pessimist? I'm an awesomist - There's a dragon in that glass!)
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To: DJ MacWoW; wtc911; onyx

I was hoping for something a bit more......... interesting.........

Vapid, self-pitying, a wallowing single sentence at best.


Welcome back, don't let the door hit you in the backside on the way to your third (boring) opus (opi?)

Heavens to Murgatroid, I'm being mean tonight.......

83 posted on 02/15/2012 8:24:11 PM PST by Lakeshark (NbIttoalbl,cRwIdtaa)
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To: ansel12

Anybody can always look up my posts in April of 2011. People can also witness Ansel calling me a concern troll, when I made my prediction. :)

I had no idea you were male. But my assumption, wrongly based, was when Laz wished you blonde hair cancer.

I know, I don’t keep track of who has been where, but it’s a nice rejoinder to use when somebody wants to insult me. :D

84 posted on 02/15/2012 8:26:03 PM PST by Jonty30 (What Islam and secularism have in common is that they are both death cults.)
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To: glock rocks

The fat lady musta sung........

85 posted on 02/15/2012 8:27:25 PM PST by Lakeshark (NbIttoalbl,cRwIdtaa)
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To: Leclair10; editor-surveyor
YOUR posting history is very sketchy and you haven't been here 14 years by anyone's math, not even Obama's!
86 posted on 02/15/2012 8:28:46 PM PST by onyx (SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC, DONATE MONTHLY. If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know.)
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To: MissH

“One can only hope!”

To say I was disappointed when she decided not to run would be a big understatement. I gave to Sarah PAC, defended her in public, and was committed to voting for her in the primary and general elections. But after all that hope, she said no.

I refuse let myself get all worked up again hoping that she’ll run. She seems to think that she can make just as big an impact as a private citizen. And while I know this goes against FreeRepublic conventional wisdowm, I don’t think Sarah has the same impact now that she’s no longer a GOP presidentil hopful. If you doubt me, just ask why the Left hasn’t been going after like they did when they thought she might run.

Sorry, but I no longer have the energy to “hope” she decides to run. I take her “no” as “no.”

87 posted on 02/15/2012 8:31:05 PM PST by Artcore
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To: editor-surveyor

BTW if Jim throws me off for having an opinion I do so with my head held high knowing I can see through what she’s doing if you don’t like debate and you don’t like to have your opinion challenged join the democrats their into that sorta thing.

88 posted on 02/15/2012 8:31:17 PM PST by Leclair10
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To: Lakeshark; DJ MacWoW; wtc911

Yes, I had forgotten the content. Is it the thought that counts or the temper tantrum at the time? LOL.

His or her PDS continues.

89 posted on 02/15/2012 8:33:46 PM PST by onyx (SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC, DONATE MONTHLY. If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know.)
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To: onyx

Wow. One page of comments ends in 2003. Self evident.

90 posted on 02/15/2012 8:34:23 PM PST by little jeremiah (We will have to go through hell to get out of hell)
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To: Leclair10

Troll, why did you just show up at FR to have discussions we covered almost two years ago?

You make a hand full of scattered postings at FR in 11 years, and now you want to cover the 2010 elections and Palin and the Delaware and Nevada Senate races?

You weren’t even interested in politics for 11 years until tonight, and now the 2010 election is your big obsession?

91 posted on 02/15/2012 8:35:05 PM PST by ansel12 (Romney is unquestionably the weakest party front-runner in contemporary political history.)
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To: Leclair10

Sarah is doing fine. She’s helping us keep focused on the big prize.

92 posted on 02/15/2012 8:35:33 PM PST by Jonty30 (What Islam and secularism have in common is that they are both death cults.)
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To: Lakeshark

Apparently not enough :o)

93 posted on 02/15/2012 8:36:07 PM PST by glock rocks (optimist , pessimist? I'm an awesomist - There's a dragon in that glass!)
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To: glock rocks


94 posted on 02/15/2012 8:38:09 PM PST by Lakeshark (NbIttoalbl,cRwIdtaa)
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To: Artcore

Castigation? Hell no, you stated the truth. Thing is, she didn’t run, but she didn’t leave either. She’s still on the team.

95 posted on 02/15/2012 8:42:09 PM PST by glock rocks (optimist , pessimist? I'm an awesomist - There's a dragon in that glass!)
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To: thoolou

I agree with your double facepalm.

96 posted on 02/15/2012 8:43:13 PM PST by Lando Lincoln (But that's just me.)
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To: Jonty30; moder_ator

LOL, you really are a troll, I don’t know what is going on with you, but you need to quit bringing such personal baggage around with you.

Concentrate on simply making your point, and leave out all the chick like personal stuff, you really don’t use other freepers as sources for your own posting history, in unrelated discussions that they are not even aware of.

Resist your impulse to just drag in other freeper names in your posts.

97 posted on 02/15/2012 8:44:54 PM PST by ansel12 (Romney is unquestionably the weakest party front-runner in contemporary political history.)
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To: Leclair10
their into that sorta thing.

You used "their" wrong.

Oh! Whoopsie. You're not here to reply. Bummer.

98 posted on 02/15/2012 8:46:53 PM PST by Brad’s Gramma (PRAY for this country like your life depends on it....)
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To: little jeremiah; Leclair10; editor-surveyor; ansel12

YES, Leclair10 is the epitome of a PDS sleeper troll, right down to claiming s/he’s been here 14 years!


99 posted on 02/15/2012 8:49:44 PM PST by onyx (SUPPORT FREE REPUBLIC, DONATE MONTHLY. If you want on Sarah Palin's Ping List, let me know.)
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To: ansel12

Ultimately, we’re all trolls for our opinions do not matter in the long run.

No baggage, just evidence.

Times, dates, and names.

100 posted on 02/15/2012 8:54:10 PM PST by Jonty30 (What Islam and secularism have in common is that they are both death cults.)
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