Us FR'ers / Tea Partiers are the Heterodoxy to these Insiders and the RNC.
They have been downsized, outsourced, and are irrelevant.
They just don't it yet.
Or they do and they are scared $H!+less as they try to maintain a power and control that was never theirs in the 1st place, we lent it to them, they screwed up, we are taking it back and not letting them be our voice...
Oops... “They Just don’t know it yet..”
Every word you wrote is true. The GOP and RINOs are obsolete and irrelevant. They blew it when they put McCain (most everyone I know voted for Palin, not for McCain) up for the presidency and want another chance to do it to us again. We are NOT their pawns.
The Gingriches, Krauthammers, Roves and Wills destroy their own credibility with each time they disrespect true conservatives. Millions upon millions of Americans are tea party members and/or supporters weary of the attacks by these pundits who want no changes in the status quo of a political party that no longer represents the majority of conservative voters.