Rick Scott is total scum. He has been accused of medicare Fraud and excluded from medicare reimbursement from what I understand. He started a chain of urgent care clinics called Solantic where quality is very suspect and based on a retail model of medicine where center managers were from retail and attempted to dictate medical therapeutics to staff physicians. For his company, solantic that is, it was all about the bottom line, and I, for one, as a physician, will actively work to oppose this total piece of garbage. In the event that he is the nominee, I will most certainly vote third party or write in. I would be embarrassed to have this slimy snake oil salesman win any elected office beyond inmate of the year in the federal penitentary.
I have been curious about him since his commercials began airing. While on a trip last weekend, I read an article in the St. Pete paper that he is quickly gaining a large following. I know nothing about him; I’ve only lived in Fla for 3 years (from Alabama). His commercials are quite convincing. Where could I find out more about him?