When Rudy was winning these polls, we all rightly noted that what people THINK in one party about electability is mostly a matter of the salesmanship of the media.
I believe this poll just reflects that. And might put to rest the oft-claimed ‘bias’ that some claim the “media” has against Thompson, which they suggest shows they are “scared” of him.
Contrary to that, in my opinion, I believe the media has given a lot of good press to Fred and how he appeals to a wide range of people. That has led to the average republicans believing he can be elected.
Contrast to the media’s approach to Romney, supposedly much more “moderate” and therefore more likeable for the media than the strong conservative Thompson.
Not a week goes by without another two or three articles about how Romney can’t get the vote of conservatives, can’t get the vote of evangelicals, can’t get the vote of southerners. The media has drummed into the heads of republicans that Romney is unelectable.
And the poll reflects that work.
So maybe the poll is accurate, and we should be electing Rudy because he’s the most electable still. Or maybe we should view the poll for what we’ve ALWAYS viewed it, NOT a statement of fact, but the “report card” the media uses to see how well they are pushing their preferred candidate on the republican party.
If I am right, we just have to figure out why the media is selling us Thompson, and whether it’s because the media is WRONG about him (it’s quite possible that the media could THINK Thompson’s someone they like, but turn out he’s not, that he is what we want).
If you think of media-driven polls as a report card the media uses to see how well they are getting out their message, the polls make a lot more sense.
Please show me some of those stories that were favorable to Fred Thompson, as much as I've searched, they come up missing
>>Not a week goes by without another two or three articles about how Romney cant get the vote of conservatives, cant get the vote of evangelicals, cant get the vote of southerners. The media has drummed into the heads of republicans that Romney is unelectable.<<
I’ve read the same thing about Thompson. Tons of it.
Didn’t you read the big James Dobson hoopla? Get on the FredHead ping list and you’ll see.
Romney is a nice guy but they are really scared of Thompson.
The media isn't trying to sell us Fred Thompson. If anything, the opposite is true. they're dead set on turning us away from him. They ate into his poll numbers for a while, but now he's getting around them and his supporters are defending him. We're managing to shout over the media and get to the people. That's why you're seeing this uptick.
The media, conservative pundits included, are dead set on Rudy McRomney being the choice. They are stomping their feet and behaving like defiant children, refusing to tolerate Fred Thompson's presence in this race. See, us conservatives were SUPPOSED to see that it was hopeless and settle for someone like Romney. Instead, we found our own guy, dusted him off, and prodded him into running. Now, it's his job to convey to others what we saw in him to recommend him for the job. He's had everyone against him, left and right, but he's still managing to break through.
If the conservative pundits had given him anything approaching a fair shake, he'd be leading Rudy in every poll. Since they didn't, we'll just have to do it a bit more slowly and methodically. The result will be the same.