My disdain for addicts of one sort or another is from those which weaken the soul and hand over ones will to a substance. A can of coke would not quite fall into that catagory.
My take is that if it grows and occurs in nature, it's OK with me as a substance. Most Amish I know are addicted to tobacco. Amish grow their own tobacco. You and I can grow our own tobacco too. It's quite easy and is much like growing good wines, good whiskey, and so on.....I guess if you pick an addiction that separates you from your money and free will and hands it over to others, that is where one goes wrong.
Most legislated substances used to be art forms. Tobacco growing was something that was an art. The weather, soil, attention, and methods used to cultivate it and cure it gave the grower a good or bad product. Making good whiskey was an art form too. The right yeasts, mash, water, sugars, patience, and care made the finest whiskey in the world for most families. Good wines are the same.
First we take what is a good, family cultivated and family used substance, we then outlaw it and take it away from people for their own good. Next we then let huge corporations resume the production, now inferior, adulterated, and of unknown content. American culture is a goofy phenomenon. And we called the Taliban whacky????