I just don't get it. Tobacco is a legal substance, but it's illegal to smoke. The government makes lots of moola on the sale of cigarettes. I think a few government agencies must have their wires crossed. The revenue-takers must not know what the revenue-spenders are trying to do.
I just don't get it. Tobacco is a legal substance, but it's illegal to smoke. The government makes lots of moola on the sale of cigarettes. I think a few government agencies must have their wires crossed. The revenue-takers must not know what the revenue-spenders are trying to do.Liberals, who believe that there is such a thing as a free lunch, would like to see taxes on tobacco at an infinite rate. Smokers would then obediently buy them, flush them down the toilet, and go out and buy more. Buy more and more, but never smoke them.
The scariest thing about this smoking nazi is not that she wants a legal substance treated as if it was illegal. Rather, she believes that government is so all-powerful that it can just snap its fingers and reorder the universe to satisfy her petty desires.