So the Republican Party believes it should take my hard -earned money and use it for "art"? How kind of them to look after my "cultural well-being", and how nice of them to make sure that "artists" nationwide continue to live off my nickel.
To me this issue is very cut and dried, and yet the NEA will continue into perpetuity. Why is cutting this so hard? Why don't they just tell the blue-blood artsy crowd to go find donations?
Ah, remember the days of Speaker Ginrich? Those were good times. Speaker Hastert keeps the House running but the fire is gone.
I'm a big believer in the "canary in the mine" principle. The GOP is dead. This amount of money to cut is pitifully small measured against the federal deficit this year of 165 billion dollars(probably more) and yet they won't cut it. The economy is in the crapper, and these free wheelin' gutless Republicans just want to get reelected by spending more funny money.
Very telling that they will not actually cut anything, even as the engine which fueled their profligate spending is falling apart around us. The GOP is clueless, ball-less, brainless and gutless...did I leave any 'less' out?
An earlier poster asked Claire if it is time yet, referring to Clair Wolfe's oft-quoted observation that it is too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.
But I think she said that a few years ago. That was now, this is then. So I dunno for sure, but we're getting closer I suspect...