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George Bush, Failed Corporate Crook: Nitwit Scion Turns Avenger
Village Voice ^ | Week of July 10 - 16, 2002 | James Ridgeway

Posted on 07/09/2002 12:03:15 PM PDT by dead

President George Bush says he's outraged at the scams that have sent big-name companies crashing, and he's not going to take it anymore. Feeding the polls, Bush tells the nation he wants new laws to bring criminal charges against dirty-dealing CEOs who fake company books and destroy not only the public's trust but its savings as well.

In common parlance, what these execs are doing is called fraud, and common knowledge says Bush already has the power to do something about it. Yet again, the president is ducking a tough issue in favor of a PR operation. The problem for Bush is how to seem to be attacking corporate scoundrels while keeping their campaign contributions coming. This is, after all, an election year, and the GOP badly wants to recapture control of the Senate and widen its margin in the House.

If Bush really wanted to address the situation, all he'd have to do is to pick up the phone, call Attorney General John Ashcroft, and ask him to launch an investigation of any one of these CEOs for fraud, conspiracy, theft, obstruction of justice, or perjury. The president could also turn to the Securities and Exchange Commission, which can refer a civil case for criminal prosecution. Bush doesn't need additional legislation to do this. All he has to do is call. He refused to do that in the Enron case, even though his administration knew about the scandal months before the company went public with its bankruptcy. And he hasn't done it with any of the subsequent double-dealings.

Perhaps Bush's inaction stems from his own history of stumbling in the corporate back alleys. Last week, the media revived a case from the early '90s, where it looks like Bush was involved in insider trading with the stock of an oil company of which he was an official. He dumped the shares shortly before the firm tanked, then failed to report his activity to the Securities and Exchange Commission for months. The ensuing investigation, handled by an agency whose director was a Bush appointee and whose general counsel was Bush the younger's own former attorney, was dropped.

Though Bush has shown he can play the game, too, he's not quite ready for the majors. The big difference between him and a guy like Kenneth Lay is that Lay at least was successful. Before he left the world of commerce for a life in politics, Bush lost money time and again. "It was dreadful," one investor told The Wall Street Journal. "I think we got [back] maybe 20 cents on the dollar," said another.

The hapless Shrub took shelter under his family tree. Nowhere is this blue-blood network more evident than in the feeble activities of the president before he became governor of Texas. Consider this chronology, put together largely from research done by the Center for Public Integrity in Washington for its book The Buying of the President 2000.

• 1979-83: Fifty Bush family investors and friends, led by uncle Jonathan, a New York Republican Party official and an investment manager, fork over $4.7 million to set up young Bush in a company called Arbusto. It's a flop, and in 1982 gets a new name: Bush Exploration.

• 1984: Spectrum 7 Corporation, an Ohio oil exploration outfit owned by Dubya's Yalie pal William DeWitt Jr., buys out Bush Exploration, setting up young Bush as CEO at $75,000 a year and giving him 1.1 million shares of the firm's stock. Another flop. The company's fortunes soon sink, with $400,000 in losses and a debt of $3 million.

• 1986: In the nick of time, Bush and partners merge the failing Spectrum with Harken Oil, a Dallas exploration company, with a $2 million stock purchase. Bush puts up about $500,000 and gets a $120,000 annual consulting fee along with $131,250 in stock options. Harken is a small outfit, looking for oil opportunities within the U.S. Then out of the blue comes Harvard Management Corporation, an investment adviser for Harvard University's endowment portfolio. It pumps millions into the venture.

• 1990: Although Harken has no international expertise, it gets the attention of the Bahrain National Oil Company, which unexpectedly appears on the scene and bypasses big oil's Amoco and Chevron to sign a production agreement with the little Texas concern. The contract grants Harken exclusive rights to what seems to be a promising offshore area squeezed between two productive tracts owned by Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The Wall Street Journal speculates Bahrain was trying to cozy up to Daddy Bush, who was plotting an assault on Iraq after Saddam Hussein seized Kuwait.

Bass Enterprises Production Company finances the Bahrain drilling with $25 million, and Harvard Management raises its investment. A couple of members of the Fort Worth Bass family have places on Team 100, an elite business group contributing to the Republican National Committee.

In June, Harken drills two dry holes in Bahrain. The future looks bleak. Dubya dumps two-thirds of his Harken holdings (212,140 shares), for $848,560. He uses some of this money to buy into the Texas Rangers baseball club. This is a lot of stock to dump on the market all at once, and brokers say it was purchased by an unnamed institutional investor.

That August, Harken posts a loss of $23 million.

• January 1991: Daddy Bush attacks Iraq.

• February 1991: Dubya, as the official in charge at Harken, reports his big stock sale to the SEC—eight months late.

• April 1991: The SEC begins an investigation into Harken dealings. Chairman Richard Breeden, who had been appointed by the senior Bush and served him as an economic policy adviser, hails from Baker & Botts, a big Texas oil law firm where he was a partner. Inside the SEC, James Doty, general counsel and the official in charge of any litigation that might come out of the Harken investigation, is another alumnus of Baker & Botts. And as a private attorney, before joining the government, Doty represented the younger Bush in matters related to Dubya's ownership of the Rangers.

• 1993: The SEC ends its Harken investigation following perfunctory interviews.

The good people of Baker & Botts continued looking out for Shrub. Since 1993, Breeden, Doty, and other lawyers there have given him $182,050 for his various political campaigns, making the firm one of his biggest supporters.

That's how the network functioned in the Harken affair. Dubya also has historic mentors among his kin. During the Second World War, for example, the government investigated his grandfather, Prescott Bush, and his maternal great-grandfather, Bert Walker. Under the Trading With the Enemy Act, officials seized Bush stockholdings, charging that "huge sections of Prescott Bush's empire had been operated on behalf of Nazi Germany and had greatly assisted the German war effort."

When it comes to business, the contemporary Bush men have been equally good role models for Dubya. Think about it:

• Dubya brother Neil Bush made the news during the late 1980s because he was a director of Silverado Savings & Loan, which went broke and ended up costing taxpayers about $1 billion. In the Silverado case, federal investigators accused Neil of conflicts of interest, but he was never prosecuted. The Resolution Trust Company, set up to bail out bankrupt S&Ls, brought a civil suit against Bush and other Silverado officers. The case was eventually settled for $26.5 million.

• Prescott Bush Jr., a brother of Bush Senior, was reported in 1989 to have arranged investments in two U.S. firms by an alleged front company for the Japanese mob, a task for which he was allegedly paid $500,000. Prescott denied any knowledge of mob involvement.

• In 1991, Jonathan Bush, the Daddy Bush brother who spearheaded the family effort to get Dubya set up in business, was himself fined $30,000 in Massachusetts and several thousand in Connecticut for violating registration laws governing securities sales. He was barred from securities brokerage with the general public in Massachusetts for one year.

• Then there's George W.'s other brother, Jeb, currently standing for re-election as governor of Florida, who defaulted on a $4.5 million S&L loan in 1988, plunging the thrift over the edge. Jeb and his partners paid but 10 percent back.

With his own personal landscape a minefield of weird business dealings, Bush the younger has to watch his step. For him, leaving a few stones unturned might be a wise choice. Thus does he find himself at once making a show of righteous anger and shielding his wealthy friends. "You need to know that by far the vast majority, by far, of corporate America are above-board," he said, "and doing their job just the way you'd expect them to do."

TOPICS: Editorial; Government; News/Current Events; Politics/Elections
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To: bvw
and miss the bigger picture.

The bigger picture is that this is a cheap shot on Bush. If it had any legs, it would have been splattered in the headlines two days before the 2000 election along with the quarter-century old DUI.

folks such as you

Thanks for clarifying which side you're on.

21 posted on 07/09/2002 12:28:26 PM PDT by My2Cents
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To: Dales
When our spirit takes to Whoopie, we will move towards her. Or something.
22 posted on 07/09/2002 12:30:15 PM PDT by dead
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To: dead
The hapless Shrub took shelter...

That phrase negated any possible credibility the article might have had, although it had no credibility without it.

Why do supposedly intelligent authors insist on putting "I am an idiot" tags in their articles?
(I know, rhetorical...)

23 posted on 07/09/2002 12:34:54 PM PDT by Bandolier
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To: dead
When our spirit takes to Whoopie... will be a sign of the beginning of the End.
24 posted on 07/09/2002 12:35:25 PM PDT by Clara Lou
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To: dead; Admin Moderator
FYI, the Village Voice is a subsidiary of the Tribune Co., one of the outlets we cannot post full articles from anymore. I'm 99% sure I saw it on the list.

I'm attempting to double check now. Admin, is there a quick link to this list?

25 posted on 07/09/2002 12:36:21 PM PDT by mr.sarcastic
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To: Bandolier
Feeding the polls

and this is the other phrase, too, that is NOT Bush. That's a descriptor of Klinton and Algore.

26 posted on 07/09/2002 12:36:52 PM PDT by nicmarlo
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To: isthisnickcool
This article is interesting only because it summarizes every half-baked smear the Democrats have tried on the Bush clan over the last 60 years. As for insider trading , GWB filed the intent to sell form correctly, which is why the charge is only useful as a half-baked smear and will never amount to anything. Amazing how that illuminating tidbit keeps getting left out of these liberal hit peices, huh?
27 posted on 07/09/2002 12:36:57 PM PDT by Callahan
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To: mr.sarcastic
Village Voice articles have been posted on this website by the hundreds over the last few years.

If there is a change in policy, I am unaware of it.

28 posted on 07/09/2002 12:38:12 PM PDT by dead
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To: Callahan
the charge is only useful as a half-baked smear and will never amount to anything
I see that you too have missed the bigger picture. Join the club.
29 posted on 07/09/2002 12:40:43 PM PDT by Clara Lou
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To: Callahan
Darn, my link in #29 was supposed to go to reply #7. Heck.
30 posted on 07/09/2002 12:43:34 PM PDT by Clara Lou
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To: Clara Lou
The bigger picture is that George W. Bush was born into a very well-off and connected family. The Harken deal with Bahrain was as clear a bit of the Bahrainis sucking up to Mr. Bush Senior by favoring his son's company as can be found.

No what to make of it? A person is born into some family or another. Dubya has to make a tough decision, or rather a whole bunch of decisions, and to make the right ones broaden his vision (perhaps -- I think it is already pretty broad).

But brought in with the current President is all the baggage of his life and what can he make of it, how does it help him, how does it hobble him? No one can say how they would have themselves performed in his stead. Ridgeway is too mocking of him and his mind.

There is a awful lot of inertia to the actions of needed remedies in that baggage, I think. Yet Dubya is as fine and fast on his feet to fix things to right as any I have seen.

Ridgeway can't be ignored, his critiques have some validity. I think Dubya can rise up to the challenge, and frankly Dubya has usually beat my own expectations and even been far shrewder in making calls on things. Not that I'm anybody, but still, Dubya has been full of pleasant surprises in my view.

31 posted on 07/09/2002 12:45:22 PM PDT by bvw
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To: mr.sarcastic
FYI, the Tribune Company does not list The Village Voice as one of its newspapers.

And the Village Voice masthead makes no mention of any affiliation with the Tribune Company.

Please cite your source for this statement.

32 posted on 07/09/2002 12:48:10 PM PDT by dead
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To: dead
Thanks to this little spew from Ridgway, the words "venomous", "vituperative", "vile" and "viper" keep wanting to roll off my toungue. Whatta maroon.

I'm thinking it's time to ignore all the flat-earthers like him.

33 posted on 07/09/2002 12:51:09 PM PDT by jwfiv
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To: dead
You wrote:

"I keep shifting my agenda, so as to confuse my critics. 8-)"


I always thought that once one shifted their pretty much took. Am I wrong, again? :)


34 posted on 07/09/2002 12:57:24 PM PDT by Osage Orange
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To: bvw
I see what you call the "bigger picture." (I'm not sure that's the term I'd use.) I'm still trying to figure out the purpose of the "folks such as you" remark.
35 posted on 07/09/2002 12:57:54 PM PDT by Clara Lou
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To: dead
Apologies- I just checked the Amended Final Judgement, and it doesn't appear on the list. I had seen it on an "unofficial" list previously.

Amended Final Judgement:

However, Village Voice is printed by Newsday, which is on the list of Tribune affiliates. I don't know how that relates to the lawsuit. My guess is that it doesn't. Again, my apologies.

See source here:

36 posted on 07/09/2002 12:58:11 PM PDT by mr.sarcastic
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To: Clara Lou
That was overthetop, I apologize.
37 posted on 07/09/2002 1:01:24 PM PDT by bvw
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To: mr.sarcastic
No problem. Thanks for the links.

Apparently, Newsday "prints" the Village Voice only in the most literal sense - the VV contracts Newsday to produce the actual printed copy of their newspaper.

Newsday has no input or claim on the content of the VV.

38 posted on 07/09/2002 1:03:39 PM PDT by dead
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To: dead
Why is this RAT propaganda posted here? We seem to see more and more of this trash posted on FR. The Village Voice is the prime leftist trash medium in the US, not to mention being a mirror of the immoral, drug infested, crime-ridden area they reside in--NYC.
39 posted on 07/09/2002 1:04:57 PM PDT by Paulus Invictus
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To: dead
Ann Coulter, call your office!!

This guy is a walking advertisement for her book.

40 posted on 07/09/2002 1:06:08 PM PDT by Dems_R_Losers
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