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To: finnman69
Witholding a vote for Bush means one less vote the Democratic candidate will need.

Aside from withholding support, what other leverage does a conservative voter have with the RNC?

93 posted on 06/18/2002 10:56:45 AM PDT by Sloth
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To: Sloth
Aside from withholding support, what other leverage does a conservative voter have with the RNC?

When I hear of people trying to convince me that by witholding support they are sending a 'message' I think of PETA trying convince people to not drink milk. Noone cares that PETA does not like milk, but what gets people most interested in their cause is they use outrageous stunts to draw attention to their claims which have a pretty poor success rate in advancing their agenda.

Conservatives don't do enough to get the attention of the Republican party. If you become a wall flower the RNC will continue to ignore you. And if you think you are being ignrored now, wait till your non-support gives the office back to a Democrat. If the RNC feels the conservative base won't come home, they will seek out moderate votes to counter the supposed missing conservative base. Conservatives won't get their items they want passed by staying home. They will eventually get them by supporting the Republican Candidate.

142 posted on 06/18/2002 11:17:38 AM PDT by finnman69
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