Bush is simply signing legislation that Congress is sending him.
In doing so, he's serving notice that the "free ride" is over for congresscritters who want to vote for something they "oppose" in the secure knowledge that the President will veto it, and the President will take the heat for the veto, not them.
People that frost me are those like Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas who VOTE FOR CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM, then come back home and try to talk like conservatives!
Oh, the "I was only following orders" excuse.
It didn't wash after WWII and it doesn't wash now.
Even Limbaugh has pointed out that Bush has been AWOL during discussions and development of legislation like CFR, the Farm Bill, the Education Bill, etc.
Bush has refused to engage the Left on these and other issues. He has sat quietly while the legislation was formulated and then presented to him. If he had the 'courage of conviction' he would have taken an active, public role in the formulation of the legislation to ensure the 'principles' he espoused during the campaign were present in the final legislative result. He has refused to do so.
IMHO, it is Bush's refusal to fight for what he preached during the campaign which is most disturbing to Conservatives.