No one has fallen on their sword for me. Nor would I want them to. I want candidates who will stand on principle and thrust their swords through the heart of liberalism.
Further, I have voted in every election since I was 18 - my tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff.
Everything you've gotten--and you've gotten a LOT, whether or not you're willing to admit it--is a gift.
I dont consider good government to be a gift or entitlement bestowed upon me. I consider it a right. I right that I fight hard for.
My experience with "the base" was that they didn't want to be bothered with actually doing any heavy lifting between elections
I regret to say this was my experience in the recent Illinois primary. I did the work of ten because nine could not be bothered.
"Summer soldiers and sunshine patriots."
Approriate quote.
Either start showing up to vote, show up in between elections for the hard work, and generally act like adults--or get used to being ignored.
Agreed. We have some common ground after all - my furry little friend.
He's a character from The Mikado.