Your so called stats are wrong baout unemployment figures , as well as the reasoning behinh what you wrote.
The top 30 % income earners, in America are not the super rich. From 30% - 3% is the middle class ; not even the upper middle class !
You're spewing MARXIST PROPAGANDA , and don't even realize it. You're no Conservative . I bet that you want a " living minimum wage " as well as socialized medicine, and all other sorts of goodies for the " poor "; don't you ?
You ignored the simple, well known ( except by you ) , clearly stated facts, that I gave you. Instead all you did was whinge and write falsehoods and crazy things.
A city / town / village has every right ( gaurenteed by the Constitution ) of making laws pertinen to their local, that are stated in the Constitution. You don't like the laws ? Try to get them changed and vote out those who made them. BTW, nost places have laws governing what kind of kousing is allowed to be built where. It isn't illegal, unConstitutional, nor particularly mean.
The Founding Fathers were ALL very wealthy men. They did absolutely nothing to gaurentee the poor that they could live anywhere they wanted to , without the means to.
I type facts ; you type full fledged MARXISM, wild ravings, hyperbole, cant, and drivel.
I refuse to waste any more time refuting the rest of your pathetic garbage.