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To: nopardons
what if we just demand that Bush make an effort to be true to his campaign speeches? Is that too much to ask? For a republican country clubber like bush who used a bunch of conservative rhetoric and promises during the campaign to get elected, then yes it is too much to ask.

The medical industry is currently falling apart. Medical costs have risen for 25 consequtive years now at significantly above the inflation rate. Recently insurance companies have told their best clients that this year there will be an additional 20% increase in cost. Rising numbers of americans cannot afford medical insurance. This is a real bona-fide crisis.

Ronald Reagan would've known it was a crisis and he would've prescribed the standard conservative treatment for this industry for decades. He would propose changes to reduce the paperwork requirements for that industry. He would propose tort-reform to reduce the litigation cost on that industry. He would've done it in order to help the lower income americans. Reagan would've successfully convinced lots of democrats to vote with him on these issues also and prevailed.

Bush' behavior in this situation is very very different. He's a born-rich guy very much unlike Reagan who was born poor. To Bush these things are only a problem when the democrats use the issue to push a lot of his country club republican friends out of office, that's the only time it ever registers on Bush' mind. The democrats of course are phonies, they don't care at all about the people victimized by their policies, they merely say they do, and so they are unwilling to move on this issue. Bush, the country clubber, recognizes the dems are not going to attack on this issue and so it is a non-issue to him. He's also aware the liberals have enormous power in the media and is unwilling to challenge them on anything, unlike reagan. So, bottom line is, the rich spoiled brat named bush sits on the sidelines and criticizes conservatives when he should be using them as allies to make changes for the good on this issue.

Don't let this guy nopardons fool you. Reagan came into office and he was willing to take the liberals head-on even when republicans were small minority in the house of reps where all legislation starts. He got his big tax cut through under those conditions. Bush does not possess those qualities of courage, integrity and leadership to even try to do what reagan did.

It is true that reagan paid a huge price as the liberals in the media/academia relentlessly attacked him with lots of lies. Bush doesn't have that problem. The liberal media very much likes him compared to reagan. According to republican cheerleaders this means success.

469 posted on 06/19/2002 7:13:04 AM PDT by Red Jones
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To: Red Jones
Red, Red, Red ... you need help; a whole LOT of help !

First of all, I am NOT a " guy " and if you had paid the slightest attention, whilst reading FR ( BTW, I don't recall your nic at all ; yet, you have been a member for a long time. Just wake up ? ), you would knw that. You would also know that I post FACTS ; unlike you and have a great memory. I don't allow the myth makers, nor my own imagination, to interfer with facts.

Oh my, so President Bush is a " country club ", " rich " ( only poor people call the wealthy [ GOD inly knows what " rich " means to you, other than your MARXISTS dribblings and envy !] and you use " rich " as a perjorative. Shame on YOU ! ) , " spoiled " ( ? ) Republican , and so are his friends and other Republicans ? Reagan may have come from a middle class family, with a falling down drunk, abusive father : however , he was STINKING RICH , when he was a movie star, a governor, and yes when he was president. All of his friends were / are " rich " ! WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM WITH PEOPLE, WHO HAVE MRE MONEY THAN YOU DO ? YOU'CE SWALLOWED THE MARXIST CREDO WHOLE, I SEE.

Just which campaign promises, has President Bush renegged on ? Name each one, and supply the date he made the promise, and the date he renegged on it. If you don't, I'll take it as absolute proof that don't know what you're talking about.

This nation has had an escalating problem, with the cost of medicine and health care, since after WW II . No it wasn't the government, which precipitated this mess. IT WAS THE UNIONS ! After WW II, the Unions forced companies to pay for health benefits / insurance. Over the years, these benefits have grown expotencially. The self employed and others, not covered by these plans, pay ( of they can afford to ) gigantic premiums for much less coverage. Those , who either pay nothing, or aqlmost nothing, over use health services , and in turn, that jacks up the prices. YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND MUCH OF ANYTHING, THAT YOU ARE ATTEMPTING TO TALK ABOUT.

Reagan ignored health services, Social Security ( and that certainly WAS a well known problem during his two terms ! ), as well as many other things. HE WAS NOT PERFECT ! I DIDN'T EXPECT HIM TO BE. PRESIDENT BUSH ISNT PERFECT ; YOU FOOLISHLY CONDEM HIM AND HEAP CALUMNY ON HIM, FOR INVALID REASONS !

Reagan IGNORED " tort reforms " . Where on earth are you pulling this garbage from ?

The media and acedemia doesn't bash Bush ? They're both on his side ? ARE YOU INSANE / DRUNK STONED OUT OF YPUR TINY MIND ON DOPE / LIVING IN A CAVE / ON MARS ? You are ill educated, overtly biased, disingenuous, and know absolutely nothing , whatsoever , about either Ronald W. Reagan, George W. Bush, history, politics, current events, Conservatism, the " rich ", the GOP, government, nor me.

Just go back to sleep.

529 posted on 06/19/2002 7:24:57 PM PDT by nopardons
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