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To: Reagan Man
reagan didn't need bush or ford to defeat carter, but jerry ford did hold that fantastic press conference and say exactly what I said, I remember.

Also, I remember Jay Rhodes of AZ who was minority leader in the house for over 10 years I believe. The media always said that he was a 'conservative' republican. When he retired in the early 80's he had one message for the media, he said openly and clearly that the one group in the republican party that he really didn't like was the 'conservatives'. that's the word he used to describe them.

We read now that in election season now the RNC gives money to republicans in primaries who have conservative opponents. They are making a long-term effort and strong effort to simply keep the conservatives from power.

Bush has criticized Daschle in the last year, but his criticism of Daschle is not nearly as strong as his criticism of that conservative republican from colorado named Tancredo? That's a normal pattern for republicans, it's not an aberration.

In a large city near where I live the republicans dominate easily. The most popular mayor they ever had in that city was a liberal republican. Toward the end of his career he organized a big state-wide republican meeting over a weekend at a resort for rich liberals. At that meeting he did nothing but bad-mouth conservatives. He stated openly that this was the purpose of the meeting and people in attendance cheered over it.

In AZ the republicans have been dominant for a long time, I get a great chance to see what the republicans are all about. Believe me, they do not serve the population, they are very contemptuous of conservatives, much less so towards democrrats. They are rich liberal country clubbers who only work for the rich just like the democrats accuse them. That's why the accusation sticks so strong and why it is so hard for the repubs to become the dominant party nationwide when the dems are so pitiful.

Sorry to disagree with you, because we both agree that reagan was a great leader. But I just personally don't see anything good in the republican party if you are a conservative.

465 posted on 06/19/2002 6:54:38 AM PDT by Red Jones
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To: Red Jones
>>>reagan didn't need bush or ford to defeat carter, but jerry ford did hold that fantastic press conference and say exactly what I said, I remember.

I'd really like a LINK to that exact quote by President Ford about Reagan being unfit to be President. It's normal political posturing, for certain factions within any political party, to pressure a presidential nominee into choosing who they want for his running mate. But until you supply that Ford quote, I still say your nuts.

So get me the QUOTE!

505 posted on 06/19/2002 11:27:59 AM PDT by Reagan Man
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